Thursday, August 1, 2013

Days 6, 7, and 8

Ah, so much has happened since Monday morning's last post.

I'll start with the positives!  I took a shower Tuesday afternoon before physical therapy.  It started out terrifying, bc Mom had to sit me halfway in and halfway out of the shower on a shower seat we got.  At first it felt like my hip was "falling off" (there was a lot of freaking out, also it was probably time for my medication) - but then once I "got comfortable" Mom was able to wash my hair and body and I was even able to help.  Unfortunately, I was leaning on my right butt-cheek so it felt like a knife jabbing into my butt when I stood up!  I'm thinking next time, now that I have a little more movement, I can probably do most of the work, and won't have to be in the position I was in, half in, half out.

We went to physical therapy Tuesday (Day 6), where he encouraged me onto an exercise bike the minute we got there.  I wasn't supposed to push through my left foot/leg, but I was able to sit it on the foot-piece and let my right leg do the work.  I did about 15 rotations/swivels.  Then, my blood pressure dropped and my face got ghost white and I almost puked.  *shrugs* probably just from being outside the house for the first time and all of the effort it took to get to the hospital!  After that, we did all of my laying down exercises, and my PT demonstrated things Mom and Dad can do for me, using passive motion - meaning I stay limp, and they do the work for me, since my muscles are either severed, not strong enough, or the labrum still needs to rest before it is allowed to be a labrum again.

To get out of the house, we have to first use the walker to get to the stairs, then use my crutches to get up and down the stairs, get me into my laying down position in the passenger seat, and then wheel me on to my appointments.  As a reward after physical therapy, Mom and Dad asked if I wanted to go anywhere ... I wanted to go to the mall.  We sat outside for a bit and then I got to go inside and get some perfume from Sephora.  I didn't go into Lush because, well, it is furlough season.  Bob joined us for dinner at Nando's (chicken pita sandwich - 9 weight watchers points plus 5 points of delicious cheese), it was nice to see him again and get pushed around in my wheelchair by him.  But then to be cruel, Mom faced my wheelchair in the direction of the mall doors when he left.
My cousins sent me this super crazy awesome get well card. I have received many get well soon wishes, thanks everyone!

On Wednesday (Day 7), Mom and I wanted to go make sure we were positioning my brace correctly, and have my wounds checked, since we had conflicting information got my incisions wet before we were supposed to.  So, we had another doctor at the office check them out - they said they were healing nicely.  I have to figure out a way to post a LINK to the photos of my wound, so they're not just BOOM right on this page...for you with the weak stomachs. 
I was so tempted to buy this. But I didn't.

Today is Day 8 - I'm still teleworking, which is nice.  I think I'm mentally back to where I was before surgery (I've only been taking Percocet sporadically, I don't like the weirdness I feel!).  Plans for today include going to physical therapy, then the Apple store because my iPad doesn't seem to want to update its apps for me.  I want a Genius to work on it!  I've done all the troubleshooting I can.  Then tomorrow is furlough day and more physical therapy!
Penny came to say goodnight one night, I love her!

I'm still having major issues sleeping, I spend about half of the night in the bed and half in the recliner, depending on my pain/positioning.  Probably because my hip was like, I don't know -disconnected, muscles were cut, there's surgical sutures holding my labrum together, and I can put no full body weight on the leg...but who really knows.

Until next time - see ya!

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