Monday, July 29, 2013

Days 4 and 5

Still crippled.  I am so happy I have such wonderful family and friends - so many of you have sent wonderful texts and messages, made me deliciously healthy meals, and spent wonderful quality time with me, and just overall...made me feel very special and loved.

Yesterday my wonderful boyfriend, Bob, came over to spend time with me-we watched some more Orange is the New Black, went to the bathroom a few times, and just chitchatted and ate some yummy black bean burgers Stephanie made for us.  

Waking up and going to bed (in my actual bed) seem to be the most painful things for me right now.  I am taking all my meds at the right time, I'm only taking half Percocets every once in a while throughout the day, rather than constantly, bc I don't like the way I feel on it.  But everyone agrees I need to take it at some point throughout the day to calm me down.  

Still spending all my time in the recliner or my bed, or going to the bathroom.  Getting up and going to the bathroom hurts a lot, but I seem to be getting better at balancing on one leg and letting my bad leg at on the floor every once in a while.  Haven't taken a shower yet, but we changed the incision site bandages last night (I think that scared Bob the most-I was screaming and crying and told him to put a pillow in my mouth to muffle the noise) times! Thanks Dad and Bob for suffering through that with me!

Today was my first day back at work....luckily I can telework so we just moved my desk and crap to the recliner and put the keyboard and mouse in my lap.  Aunt Margie babysat me today, so she sat in the next room over reading her kindle with the walkie talkie for when I needed help going to the bathroom.  My friend Sarah brought lunch over for us, and my cousins Jenny and Jeffrey came over to see me and then use the guest pass for the beach :P

Each day seems to be getting better, but it's still a struggle every minute of the day, bc I can't do anything for myself yet-not even get out of a chair/bed or on and off of the toilet.  I have developed nasty heartburn (I have never had that...holy crap) and my back feels like it's ripping in two.  It will be worth it...have to keep telling myself that :)

My smile is STILL cracking me up after all these hours since this morning.

Super awesome biking gloves Bob got me to take the edge off the hand bruising from my walker! Woohoo!

My Bob :) I missed him so much!

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