Saturday, July 27, 2013

Day 3: First Full Day Home from Hospital

Well, I am very very thankful for my family and friends for putting up with me through this recovery so far.  I realize it's only Day 3 - Bob has to keep reminding me of that - so it's only going to get better.

My lifelong friend Carol (since birth) was a trooper yesterday - she showed up in the morning while I was still in the hospital and went to "first" physical therapy - where I learned how to properly walk with the walker, do steps and curbs with the crutches, and get in and out of a car.  They had a prop car - pretty cool.  She stayed with us until around 6pm.  My brother, Aunt, cousin, and Mom and Dad all helped throughout the day.  Thank you so much!

Had my "second" physical therapy appointment after I was discharged yesterday - very basic - some internal rotation (my favorite), "circumduction", and some other passive range of motion tests.  Pretty painful at this time - but it also provided some nice stretching and relief to the joint.  

The carride home was pretty painful, because I couldn't seem to find a position for my left leg to sit comfortably without dangling and adding pressure - and unfortunately any time the car stopped, pressure went into my leg...something I'm supposed to be avoiding. :D  After some painful maneuvering and screeching (my pain meds were wearing off), I made it out of my wheelchair and onto my crutches, then walkered myself into the bedroom.

My main positions now, since I've been home, are sitting in the recliner in my living room or sitting in my bed with a wedge pillow behind my back.  I am not allowed to sit at 90 degrees (like straight up and down while seated) because that will put too much pressure on the hip.  So when I start working Monday/Tuesday - I'll have to find a way to wheel my computer in front of me. 

I am definitely very glad Bob and I installed the toilet seat riser - the handrails and extra 5 inches of height definitely make it easier to hoist myself up onto it.  Mom and Dad are looking at getting one of those bedside commodes for when I'm able to get myself out of bed alone (my walker isn't very stable yet...needs some rubber feet, the plastic is kiiiind of gliding along the cement and freaking me out).

Today, my main activities have been moving from recliner to the bed, then back.  And going to the bathroom.  Oh, and catching up on Orange is the New Black - great TV show.

Here are a few pictures of my leg/etc.  Trying to remember to ice my hip and do my calf pumps, butt squeezes, and have someone do my "log rolls" to not...clot?  :D

Till tomorrow - toodles.
A "selfie" for shits and giggles I took for Bob

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