Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 2

Was admitted overnight for observation and physical therapy issues, since going to the bathroom and crutches/walker weren't quite working with all of the pain. Doctor Petre said that I had a cam legion on one of my bones that caused the labrum to tear. He also said the clicking/snapping motion I was feeling in my upper hamstring/lower glute region was most likely from the labrum tear since it goes from groin to butt. 

Got to Skype with my #1 boyfriend Bob for a bit, which was wonderful :) 

I had a pretty rough night last night with the pain and trying to use the restroom, since any bending of the knee pulled a lot of pressure on the hip area, but eventually after a lot of whining and convincing, my wonderful nurse (who doesn't normally work on this floor, and is an orthopedic and joint nurse (yay! So lucky!) gave me a few tips and forced me to "go for a walk" down the hallway with my walker, which I'm finding a lot easier balance-wise than the crutches. Crutches are what will help me up and down steps, but the walker is just more stable it seems.  I sort of slept between 1-515ish, but woke up about every hour/two because of my positioning in the bed probably. 

Overall, I feel WAYYY better this morning than I did last night, way more emotionally stable and have not decided to take a Percocet today-she gave me an IV anti-inflammatory that is supposed to last 6 hours and isn't narcotic I believe. 

For people who are wondering what the brace and stuff looks like, here ya go. 

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