Friday, August 9, 2013

Two Week Follow Up

Hey everyone,

Had my two week follow up with my doctor yesterday and got to hear a lot of great news! X-rays looked fine...that was super painful posing for those pictures!

First of all, my brace got to come off and I don't have to worry about overextension or overabduction of my hip.  My hip hurts a bit more now bc the brace is no longer holding me together I guess?  But it feels nice to not feel so incredibly restricted.  Then, the anti clot stockings came off, ahhh.  But guess that means my legs will have to get shaved more often now! Also, stitches are out and steri strips in place.  In two more weeks, I can go in a pool/hottub, finally!  Swimming has to be modified-a "pull buoy" will be placed between my legs to restrict motion and I will use my arms to pull me, no kicking or anything with my legs.

I still have the toe-touch/flat foot only (essentially no weight bearing) "walking" for another week, then my physical therapist will work on 50% body weight for about a week, then I guess I'll learn how go stand on both legs again and walk.  So for now, still getting around with the walker, crutches, and wheelchair....but baby steps, right?

At physical therapy we did a looot more than in the past two weeks.  I did cat-to-camel stretches on my arms and knees, which allowed me to have some pelvic movement.  I can sort of crack my back now too! Then we did some butterfly knees (I will post pictures soon), feels good to stretch and move with supervision!  It does cause a little bit of pain bc everything is still sore/swollen/stitched together at this point, but I can be a little more liberal in my movements....just as long as I don't put body weight through the leg lol.

Pictures coming soon, want to get a few more at physical therapy this morning.

Keep positive thoughts coming my way, recovery is no where near being over but I don't think it will be as rough as these first two weeks!

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