Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eight Weeks Post-Surgery

Hello all,

Since last update, I have been able to start some new exercises to strengthen the muscles and such in the hip, as well as add some cardio back into my life.  I am limited to 30 minutes on the elliptical and bike still (no walking for fitness/treadmill/stuff like that) - so I get to sweat at the gym at least, for a little bit!

Speaking of walking - that motion has greatly improved over the last few weeks.  I still have to carry my crutch around with me for extended periods of time - but if I'm in the house or moving around a few cubicles, I'm ok.  After about 3-4 minutes of continual walking, I need the crutch.  I have been able to attend Baltimore Comic-Con, the Shindig music festival, and I am going to attempt the Maryland Renaissance Festival this coming weekend.  I know I will need to carry around my camping chair (well, Bob will), but I'm looking forward to movement.  Still can't "go for a walk" or anything yet, least I'm not totally dependent on a wheelchair, walker, or both crutches!

Click on the below link for a video of my recent exercises:

8 Weeks Post Surgery Exercises

 me at comic-con

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