Thursday, September 19, 2013

Eight Weeks Post-Surgery

Hello all,

Since last update, I have been able to start some new exercises to strengthen the muscles and such in the hip, as well as add some cardio back into my life.  I am limited to 30 minutes on the elliptical and bike still (no walking for fitness/treadmill/stuff like that) - so I get to sweat at the gym at least, for a little bit!

Speaking of walking - that motion has greatly improved over the last few weeks.  I still have to carry my crutch around with me for extended periods of time - but if I'm in the house or moving around a few cubicles, I'm ok.  After about 3-4 minutes of continual walking, I need the crutch.  I have been able to attend Baltimore Comic-Con, the Shindig music festival, and I am going to attempt the Maryland Renaissance Festival this coming weekend.  I know I will need to carry around my camping chair (well, Bob will), but I'm looking forward to movement.  Still can't "go for a walk" or anything yet, least I'm not totally dependent on a wheelchair, walker, or both crutches!

Click on the below link for a video of my recent exercises:

8 Weeks Post Surgery Exercises

 me at comic-con

Friday, September 6, 2013

Video from Six Week Mark

Elliptical, Steps, Walking without Crutch

Six Weeks Post-Surgery

Just had my six week follow-up with my doctor.  Everything seems to be doing well, in terms of recovery.  Asked him my usual list of twenty questions, asked about the recovery process (physical therapy), and he had to remind me I'm only one month in!

New developments in the last two weeks of physical therapy: I can do about 20-30 minutes on the lowest settings of an elliptical and exercise bike, I can (starting tomorrow) do flutter kick in the pool, and as of today after my appointment, I can take small spurts of walking WITHOUT MY CRUTCH.  Unfortunately, my body is still doing a weird gait/muscle weakness thing, so I can't do it for very long.  And I can sort of go up and down stairs "normally."

Here are your many many photos as promised:

PT trying to straighten out my tilted pelvis/lower back joint


Water side leg lifts

Water marches

Water Squats

Arm swimming with buoy between thighs so my legs don't go anywhere 

Buoy demonstration, treading water with just arms is not easy!